Run this command twice just to make sure everything is ready. Once that’s installed, open it up and type: pkg update and select yes to any questions, this is usually achieved by typing y and pressing enter.

Using Neofetch on Android is fairly straight forward, just head to the Google Play Store and download the Termux terminal emulator, it can also be downloaded from F-Droid if you do not have access to the Play Store for some reason. You will be shown the specs of your computer next to the logo of your particular Linux distribution. Once you have completed the Neofetch installation on any Linux system, you can run the program by just typing: neofetch into the command line. Install the package from the command line with the following commands: Install the package from the command line with the following command: For most of these, you will be asked to provide an administrator password. Neofetch is easy to install on most Linux distribution, this guide includes instructions for installing Neofetch on Arch, Debian, Fedora, OpenSUSE, Ubuntu and their derivatives. With that installed you can type: brew install neofetch and once it’s done just type: neofetch to display your specs next to the Apple logo. Simply open the Mac Terminal and paste the following command to install Homebrew: /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL )". Getting Neofetch working on a Mac is quite a bit easier than the process on Windows. Once that is installed just type: neofetch into PowerShell and it will display your system’s specs and the Windows logo.

If all of those are installed properly, you’re now ready to install Neofetch by typing: scoop install neofetch. Before installing Neofetch, you'll need to install git using Scoop, just type: scoop install git. You’ll be able to tell if Scoop has been installed by running: scoop help. To do this, use the following command: Invoke-Expression (New-Object ).DownloadString(''). Next, you’ll want to install Scoop using PowerShell. Once you’ve got these, you’ll need to enter the following command in PowerShell: Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope CurrentUser, affirm the changes if it asks. To install Scoop, you must be using Windows 7 SP1+ / Windows Server 2008+ and have PowerShell 5 and. On Windows, you will need to install Neofetch using a tool called Scoop, a command-line installer for Windows.