This code is Non-Refundable so please make sure you purchase the correct upgrade.Designer Edition is the version of the Silhouette. Please note for digital codes 2 emails will be sent, an order confirmation and an email containing the code. To ensure you receive the code please add: to your email contact list. How to Install Silhouette Software Upgrade Code To have access to all of these features, please first ensure you are using the latest version of Silhouette Studio software, you can do that HERE If you ever lose it just email us and we can send it to you again! Best part?! We keep a record of all the codes we send out.Arrives via email within minutes of ordering.Learn about all the new features of going to Designer Edition.Ultimate Silhouette E-Guide to Software Updates.

License Upgrade Code - Good for 3 Computers.Our codes will work in any country and are good for life. Swing Design is the largest Silhouette Software provider in the world. This code is a one time fee, there are no yearly fees or additional costs.

Additional discounts can not be applied when software is on sale. There is no software download required, just enter the code into the Studio Software (not the Design Store) to unlock the new features. Instant Download - Code Arrives in 2nd Email After Purchase. This upgrade code is for users who own Silhouette Studio Basic Edition (Free) and would like to upgrade to the Business Edition.